How Various Perspectives Divide Us

Betty Alark
4 min readFeb 24, 2020

Do you accept people based on agreeing with what they — say? When what they say confirms your belief or perspective? When having them in your space feels comfortable, doesn’t ruffle any feathers or catapult you out of your comfort zone?

What shall we call that type of acceptance?

  • Playing it safe
  • Remaining on the side of — unchanged
  • Nothing to fearless risky
  • Don’t need to readjust — thinking
  • Feeling comfortable in your beliefs

In all the above cases, what exactly are you accepting? Is it the people, or them agreeing with who you are, what you think and believe?

Staying on the side of playing it safe, being less risky, staying with what you know, not having to re-adjust your thinking, in essences — change, provides no sense of challenge, no opportunity for innovative growth or perspective and limits the opportunity for a — freedom for all type of acceptance.

So to answer — what type of acceptance is that? I deem it to be a conservative acceptance. One that locks you into a comfort zone.

Change Can’t Be Avoided.

Change is inevitable, and it seems change is occurring at a much faster rate in this century than in any prior century. Comfort zones may be becoming a thing of the past.

At best — it’s best to find “balance within your soul” so when disaster hits- material things might be lost, howbeit your “inner peace” will remain steadfast. Allowing you to pick up and move forward!

The Potential Big Boom

It’s sort of like filling out an application for a job. The small print reads something of this nature: “you can be dismissed without reason or explanation.” You sign in an agreement under those understood conditions. You do your job for however long while simultaneously realizing you could be removed in a day, a week, or a year. You never know. Nothing is certain. Consequently, you don’t allow yourself to become comfortable in thinking — one way. Your mentally and emotionally prepared for the one day — big boom!

You don’t allow yourself to become comfortable — mentally or emotionally. You no longer create comfort zones. You live one day at a time, not knowing what tomorrow will bring.

In actuality, material things don’t belong to anyone. We come into the world as a living soul. Having brought nothing in and depart in the same manner.

To live mentally, emotionally, or physically in a conservative comfort zone is “disappointment” waiting to be — undone. Change- will eventually arrive at your doorstep, changing beliefs and perspectives.

Considering the above — why not live on a more “liberal highway of life”? Not having expectations of things not changing or wanting things to remain the same?

Liberal Perspective

Change is inevitable. Conservatism won’t remain “stable” over time. Thinking liberally — insights freedom. Freedom that you secretly desire yet fear. You fear the “upheaval” — change will bring. Yet, it’s only a temporary upheaval. Once you cross over, you will no longer fear. You will know.

Isn’t it better to cross over comfortably via understanding and objectiveness versus being forcibly, violently — uprooted? It’s not a matter of winning or remaining one-sided. It’s a matter of what’s in the best interest of all! Leaning towards the greater good! A more liberal perspective!

Factions Divide

We live in a world of factions — fractions of people vying for what they want. Consequently, some people win, most people lose — especially when they don’t have money to buy votes. It seems all these factions have some “right” they hope will be lawfully implemented, or they’re fighting for a right that’s being violated or vying for change that benefits — only them.

In the short run, I suppose all these “divide factions” serve a purpose. Maybe on a camouflaged level — bringing the entire world closer towards change.

Nevertheless, when it comes to conservative thinking, traditions, beliefs versus liberalism, liberalism is the better route since it has the majority in mind, not factions. Liberalism isn’t one-sided. It incorporates us all! Maybe not politically, howbeit — in meaning.

Personally, I’m not on the “political side” of conservatism, liberalism, or any of the isms. When I consider the definition, the meaning of the words conservatism: “commitment to traditional values and ideas with opposition to change or innovation.”

And liberalism, “open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values” liberalism, is deemed a much more viable route!!

I don’t need to be of any political persuasion to realize in my “soul and spirit” that all human beings have a God-given right — to be free of injustice. Human beings “feel” injustice. “Feel” their God-given right to be treated just!

Thus one day — Political conservatism, injustice, and factions will cease to exist.

The Creator demands justice for us all! Justice isn’t a political game. Change is on the horizon!

