The Process of the Quickening

Betty Alark
2 min readFeb 24, 2020

Ever heard the term — the quickening?

Even if you haven’t, it doesn’t take a genius to reason that a quickening has something to do with things happening fast or at an accelerated pace.

Imagine being in a state of consciousness where your mind isn’t thinking. Where you become a vessel of — receiving?

The quickening is comparable to having your sense of consciousness lifted and ushered into another dimension — you’re consciously aware of being caught up in another realm.

An unknown force takes you over. Instantaneously, your sense of consciousness is mysterious, no longer — within your control.

No announcement alerts you to the quickening; you unexpectedly find yourself caught up in the moment! The occurrence isn’t uncomfortable; however, you’re aware that something out of the ordinary is taking place.

During the transport of conscious teleportation, you’re rapidly receiving revelation within that time span — which could last for hours or days. Then, suddenly, as if waking up from a gentle sleep after haven received anesthesia, you find yourself consciously transported back to the world of the ordinary, after what seemed to have been only moments ago when you sat down, picked up your pen, and began to record what now lies completed. Right before your very eyes.

The trance-like state of the quickening occurs for the recipient to receive access to a higher level of knowledge at a pace beyond the level of human ingenuity.

Regardless of what accounts for the quickening, the recipient is amazed at having experienced the phenomenon. Left in a state of wonderment, awe, and inquiry.

Does the quickening quicken our consciousness? Is the recipient’s consciousness raised?

Obviously — yes! It would seem senseless to be given a higher level of knowledge and yet be left in darkness? Thus, the purpose of being transported to a higher level of being!

The Quickening

In the twinkling of an eye, we will all be changed!

